Christmas for kids parade
Christmas for Kids Parade gave over 10,000 toys to local children in the metro Richmond, Virginia area.
The Christmas for Kids Parade is a unique motorcade that travels throughout the Richmond and Tri-city area distributing toys. The motorcade consist of Local Businesses, Social Clubs, Motor/Bike Clubs, Horse Clubs and more. The Parade committee is 100% volunteers in the community. This Parade is like no other. No one will be allowed to register a child and the direction of travel is not disclosed. We have one mission; that is to see a smile on a child’s face this Christmas. We simply start at a set destination and return 4 hours later. During the parade, we knock on doors and stop passing cars. It is such a wonderful experience being a blessing to children for Christmas. We are not asking anyone to just write a check we are asking you to be part of the check you’re writing. We invite you to join us in the 2023 Christmas for Kids Parade by decorating your vehicle, passing out your business cards to let the people know you appreciate them patronizing your business all year. Every year is always greater than the year before. The experience of thankfulness knowing you and your gift just bless a child right here in the community where you live, work, and play will be forever life changing.